Ep 18 Beyond DNA: Learning to Let Go of Traditional Ideas of Family

adoption emotions relationships Jan 25, 2025

When we think about family, many of us picture a specific image.  A Mum, a Dad and children who share their DNA. It’s an idea that’s been ingrained in us for so long that it can feel like the only way to define what family truly means. But here’s the thing: family is so much more than biology.

Letting go of the traditional idea of family isn’t easy, especially if you’ve been navigating infertility. The thought of creating a family in a way that looks different from what you once imagined can feel overwhelming, even heartbreaking. I know because I’ve been there.

But as I’ve walked this path, I’ve learned something powerful: the love that creates a family isn’t tied to DNA. It’s found in the connections we build, the care we give and the bonds we nurture.

Families come in all shapes and sizes - through adoption, fostering, surrogacy or even the relationships we create with close friends and loved ones. What makes them special isn’t shared genetics; it’s shared love, support and a sense of belonging.

For me, this realisation didn’t come overnight. It took time to shift my perspective and open my heart to new possibilities. I needed to grieve the loss of the picture-perfect idea of family I once held onto so tightly. But in doing so, I found something even more beautiful: the freedom to create a family that felt authentic to me.

I found it easier than most as my understanding of family bonds transcends biological connections, shaped by my own childhood experience. While my biological father remained distant and uninvolved, it was my stepfather who embodied true fatherhood - showing me firsthand that love, not DNA, creates meaningful family bonds. He chose to be our father in every way that matters, demonstrating daily that genuine parental love grows from dedication, presence and choice rather than genetic ties.

This personal experience deeply informs my perspective on family building. It taught me that authentic parent-child relationships are forged through love, commitment and conscious choice - a truth that resonates powerfully within the adoption community.

If you’re wrestling with this idea, know that it’s ok to take your time. It’s okay to feel sad, to process and to question what feels right for you. Letting go of traditional ideas of family doesn’t mean giving up on your dream, it means giving yourself permission to redefine it.

Whether your family grows through unconventional paths or you find fulfilment in the family you’ve already built around you, your version of family is just as valid and meaningful as anyone else’s.

At the heart of it, family is about love. It’s about showing up for each other, being there in the moments that matter and creating a life filled with connection and care. That love has no boundaries, no rules and no limits.

Now, as I watch my adopted daughter grow into such an amazing young woman, I'm overwhelmed by the depth of our connection. The love I feel for her is so profound, so complete, that had I known this indescribable joy awaited me, I wouldn't have spent a single day pursuing fertility treatments. She wasn't grown beneath my heart, but she was absolutely grown for it.

Your family, however it comes to be, will be yours. And it will be enough.

With love and understanding

Wendy x

PS:  Go check out our FREE guide "Boost your Fertility" - Packed with tips and hints to help your mind-body connection - www.wendytaylorcoaching.co.uk/guide