Ep 16 The Frustration of Infertility: I Just Want a Baby
Jan 11, 2025
If you’re reading this, you probably understand what it feels like to have that deep, unshakable longing for a baby. Maybe you’ve whispered those words to yourself in the quiet of the night, or perhaps you’ve said them aloud with tears streaming down your face: I just want a baby!
I hear you. I see you. And I’ve been there too.
Infertility is such a complex journey. It’s not just about the medical appointments or the treatments; it’s about navigating the emotional storm that comes with wanting something so badly and feeling like it’s slipping further and further out of reach.
For me, the hardest days were the ones where I felt like no one understood. The world seemed to move on, full of announcements, milestones and celebrations that weren’t mine. It’s not that I wasn’t happy for others - it’s just that their joy often reminded me of my pain.
There were moments when I’d feel consumed by the frustration of it all. Why me? Why does this have to be so hard? All I wanted was something that seemed so simple for so many others. Those thoughts were heavy, and they left me feeling broken, even when I tried to stay hopeful.
But over time, I realised something important: it’s okay to feel all of it. The frustration, the sadness, the anger, the hope, the love - all of those emotions are valid. It’s ok to cry on the hard days and celebrate the small victories on the good ones.
One thing that helped me was finding small ways to care for myself. It wasn’t about ignoring my desire for a baby; it was about giving myself permission to live a full life alongside that longing. I started journaling, connecting with others whom I had disconnected from and leaning into hobbies that brought me joy.
I also learned to be kinder to myself. Infertility is not a reflection of your worth. It’s not something you caused or something you deserve. You are doing everything you can, and that is enough.
If you’re feeling stuck in the frustration right now, I want to remind you that it’s ok to feel what you feel. Take it one day, one moment at a time. And if you ever feel like it’s too much, reach out - to a friend, a support group or someone like me who understands.
This journey isn’t easy, but you don’t have to walk it alone. There’s strength in community, in sharing and in holding on to the hope that one way or another, brighter days are ahead.
You are stronger than you know, and your story matters.
With love and understanding
Wendy x
PS: Go check out our FREE guide "Boost your Fertility" - Packed with tips and hints to help your mind-body connection - www.wendytaylorcoaching.co.uk/guide